Wild Priestess Ceremonies
Kristina Margaret
About Kristina:
For over a decade Kristina has been working with individuals through Yoga, Reiki Healing, Ayurveda, Breathwork and Meditation. As Kristina has evolved so have her life's passions, in this she wishes to help others to experience as much joy and celebration as possible while continuing to hold space for some of life's most sacred moments through ceremonial offerings.
Kristina is a registered Metaphysical Minister in the province of British Columbia and resides on Vancouver Island offering uniquely curated ceremonies for beautiful souls who are looking for unforgettable meaningful experiences.
Wild Priestess Ceremonies officiates Wedding, End of Life and Rites of Passage Ceremonies to all walks of life, especially those individuals who approach life off the beaten path, enjoy dreamlike experiences, are intuitive and expressive and who want to show their individuality by creating bold and captivating memories.