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Sometimes we don’t have all the answers when it comes to what we want and even though more people than ever are speaking out about sobriety and recovery it is still hard to make the choice to quit drinking.  


Quitting drinking is about more than just saying no, you have to be willing to sit with yourself and ask yourself the hard questions about what brings you to drinking in the first place.  


Are you curious about going alcohol free but aren’t quite ready to commit?


Not everyone is sure where or how to start when it comes to quitting drinking.  The thought of quitting drinking all together can be very overwhelming.  

What if instead of quitting drinking you committed to a
30 Day Sober Reset to get clear about what you do want?

Enjoying the View

Giving yourself a 30 Day Sober Reset will allow you to step back from your current choices and behaviors and realign with how you want to live your life by connecting into your mind, body and spirit.  


30 days will give you a window into how life can be without alcohol and without the pressure to “quit forever”.



Whether you are a daily drinker or a weekend warrior the 30 Day Sober Reset is a great way to go deeper into your choices around alcohol which will  take you on a journey into accessing your own inner wisdom.  


Drinking disconnects you from your inner truth, it clouds your perception in how you see the world and how you see yourself in the world.  Alcohol is a depressant and even though you may drink to have a good time it is actually stopping you from fully enjoying yourself and life to its fullest.   

Are you tired of drinking all the time and having the same experiences and let downs that alcohol ignites? 

What would happen for you if you gave yourself a break from drinking?


What if you spent between ten & twenty minutes a day tapping into the reasons why you want to let go of alcohol?

Here’s How The 30 Day Sober Reset Will Support You:

  • Access To After Party A Private Community Of Sober & Sober Curious Women Supporting Each Others Sober Journey

  • Daily Recorded Lessons 

  • Guided Meditations 

  • Daily Written Work & Journal Prompts For Self Inquiry

  • 1:1 Support For Questions About The Program In The After Party Forum


A 30 Sober Reset could be all you need to start taking your power back and tap into the part of you that is ready to let go of drinking and start honoring the part of you who wants to live a thriving life.

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Alcohol is a crutch that you don’t need to use to get through the hard lessons that life throws at you but we are taught that numbing out and getting wasted are normal and healthy ways of  dealing with our problems.  We see it all the time, “had a hard day at work, take a load off and have a drink”. What about ads that show us how sexy a cold beer is or a glass of wine for moms. What they don’t show us is the hangover, the domestic violence or the checking out on ourselves and those around us.


A 30 Day Sober Reset can give you a chance to get clear and get real with yourself about alcohol and why you use it. This can be a huge opportunity to make small changes in your life that can have a huge impact on how you are living. 


Making small changes everyday are what lead to the biggest overall changes in your life.  Taking a time out from alcohol to be intentional about how you are living and what you are choosing to put in your body or not can create lasting changes with huge benefits.  

If you are sober or sober curious or just want a break from alcohol in general this is a great way to take a deeper look at your relationship with alcohol through daily accountability exercises to help keep you on track and remind you of why you want to make the change when it comes to you and alcohol. 

Are you ready for a 30 Day Sober Reset?


Let's Do This!!!

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